Monday, May 23, 2016

San Jose Museum Of Art

The San Jose Museum of Art is a "go-to" place for my son and I.  A week ago I decided to come on my own for a bit of quiet time. This is a small museum. The majority of the museum has very contemporary art. The main exhibits are on the 1st and 2nd floors. On the 2nd floor was an exhibit called "Border Cantos", which is about immigrants migrating into the United States from Mexico. One thing from this exhibit that really caught my eye was this "Migration Community Quilt" made with octagon shaped Post It notes. Guests of the museum are welcome to draw something on the paper about where they come from such as the flag of their country. I loved the honey comb design it created by the shapes along with a printed map behind it. I also loved the combination of colors; blue pink, lime green, turquoise, and navy.  I also love the thought behind it.

This was posted on the wall of the exhibit which I found very interesting: " International migration is a global phenomena that is growing in scope, complexity, and impact. Migration is both a cause and effect of broader development on intrinsic feature of our ever globalizing world. While no substitute for development, migration can be a positive force for development when supported by the right set of polices. The rise in global mobility, the growing complexity of migratory patterns and its impact on countries, migrants, families, and communities have all contributed to international migration becoming a priority for the international community". 

To continue with the international theme after the museum I walked over to one of my favorite Japanese stores in down town San Jose, "Muji".  This store started in 1980. They have locations in New York, LA, San Francisco, and San Jose. It offers a wide variety of products from stationery to household items and apparel. Muji in Japanese translates as "no-brand quality goods." 

I have always had a fetish for Japanese stationery products. I love how small and compact everything is and the simple minimalist design. One of my favorite items is the "Mini Markers Pen Set" which comes with 10 different colors. They are packaged in a clear octagon-shaped plastic container with the markers of the same shape inside. They are perfect for my son to use while we are traveling or when we go out to eat since they don't roll away!

Since I always end my outings with a fun place for a snack I went next door and treated myself to a piece of chocolate mousse cake at Bijan Bakery & Cafe. This bakery has a wide variety of pastries, cakes, cookies, muffins, and croissants. It is a great place for a breakfast or an afternoon treat. Bijan Bakery has been in the bay area since 1986.  They have this location and one in Saratoga.  I soaked in the day on the outdoor patio area and enjoyed my perfect chocolatey chocolate mousse cake. I couldn't help but think of one of some of my favorite words of wisdom: "What ever the question is chocolate is the answer".

Friday, May 13, 2016


This past weekend we spent the day at one of our favorite places, Carmel-By-The-Sea. We love to go there for the cooler weather, quaint European style village, the white sand beach, and amazing restaurants. It is a nice and relaxing place to stroll around and everything is within walking distance. We started out our day with a picnic at the lush "Devendork Park". This park is a gathering place for the village. There is a beautiful grass area to picnic and for kids to run around, which is surrounded by massive live oak trees, a little pond with Koi Fish, and nice benches to sit on and relax.  It was the perfect place to start our day and have lunch. 

After we had our picnic at the park we headed down to the beautiful white sand beach, which is down the hill from the village. Even though it was pretty overcast there were a lot of families with dogs hanging out. There is a beautiful coastline to look out at while you sit and relax on the soft sand. My son had fun playing in the sand and tossing the frisbee around.  This is one of our favorite beaches in Northern California to go to.

Traditionally after we spend time on the beautiful beach we walk up the hill to our favorite place for an afternoon treat at the "Carmel Bakery". This place always has a line out the door. Displayed in the front window are delicious looking Cannoli's, many pastries, and cookies. Inside they serve ice cream, cookies, pastries, and coffee. My favorite cookie is a half dipped short bread cookie with chocolate bits in it. This cookie is perfect paired with a latte. After we get our goodies we walk over and sit at the nice benches in front of the "Harrison Memorial Library". In front of the library is a little succulent plant garden and California Poppies. It is a nice place to sit, relax and enjoy our treats. 

Following our afternoon snack we had an early dinner at our favorite restaurant in Carmel, "Flying Fish Grill". This place is located below the Carmel Plaza. The owners have been running it for 23 years. The atmosphere is very dim lighting, with wood walls and cozy booths, in an Asian décor. They serve predominately Japanese style food and seafood dishes. They are most known for their pan-fried almond crusted sea bass, which is served over a bed of whipped potatoes and rock shrimp stir-fry. When you sit down they first serve you their complementary ginger salsa and crispy wonton chips, which my husband could not get enough of. For an appetizer we ordered the spicy tuna tartare with sesame oil, chili pepper, and toast points, which also goes well with the crispy wonton chips. Following the tartare we both chose to order the almond sea bass for our entrees, which is to die for! The whole dinner was a great ending to such a memorable day!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Filoli Gardens

A week ago we drove to Filoli Gardens in Woodside for a family day. I have heard great things about the gardens and every time I drive by and see the sign off the 280 I think to my self "we need to go to this place". The gardens are a bit off the freeway below the foothills down a dirt road that leads to the country estate. When we arrived it felt like we weren't even in the bay area anymore. First when you go inside to pay there is a gallery of botanical paintings, which I love. From there we headed out to explore the gardens. On the way to the gardens they had a cute area where you can purchase plants, garden sculptures, and fountains. It was a nice serene outdoor space. Following the plant area are the lily ponds.  They are picture perfect.

After we walked through the lily pond area we headed to the colorful rose garden and explored. There were so many different varieties. Near the rose garden is a kitchen garden and a beautiful hedge maze. My son loved walking around both areas in search of the various scents, colors, and shapes in the treasure map provided to him at the Visitor and Education center. There is so much variety on display! We sat on a bench and soaked it all in.  As I sketched and wrote in my journal I soaked in the beautiful spring day.  There was a cool breeze and the fragrance of sweet roses in the air.  I could hear the sounds of birds and nature surrounding us. 

We then moved on from the rose garden area and wandered around some more while we played Follow the Leader with my son. I came across this enchanting wrought iron archway leading to long pathways of beautiful hedges. It made me feel like I was in an English Garden or Wonderland. This whole place makes you feel like you have been transformed into a beautiful scenic painting.  I just loved it! 

On our journey around the gardens we came across a sun dial, strolled along a large swimming pool, and walked through the historic estate house.  For lunch we went to the cafe which has both indoor and outdoor seating.  The food was decent for the price.  It was so relaxing after visiting the gardens. While we are eating a peacock showed up.  It was a fun and nice surprise to our day.  It was beautiful standing there with all of it's vivid colors.  Filoli was such a memorable day and an adventure I highly recommend!