Sunday, April 15, 2018

Spring At Filoli Gardens

This truly is my favorite time of year with all the flowers popping up everywhere. Spring has fully sprung at Filoli Gardens in Woodside, CA. This is the third time that I have been here and the first time that I have gone by myself. It was the perfect day to go to the gardens. The sky was a clear blue, the sun was shinning, and there was a nice cool breeze flowing through the trees. The first thing that I saw when I got there was Percy the peacock. Such a beautiful bird. Everyone had stopped to take a photo. Percy was clearly pretty comfortable with having people around. 

Filoli has been a functioning estate for over 100 years, built by Mr. and Mrs. Willam Bowers Bourn in 1915. Filoli was designed to include many of the elements you would expect of an English country estate and emulate the gardens of the formal English Renaissance period. In addition to the formal garden there is also a working kitchen garden.

I started my tour in the area where various small container plants are displayed for sale including succulents and herbs. They even had an area with a map instructing you on what is blooming in the gardens, which was very cute. 

I continued on to my favorite spot where I was greeted by the lily pond surrounded by orange tulips, my favorite flower. I have always been a big fan of lily ponds especially since Claude Monet is my favorite artist of all. One of the highlights of my life was seeing his lily ponds at his home in Giverny outside of Paris. 

Moving on from the lily ponds I headed to the estates pool, which is very tranquil. I can imagine myself staying here as a guest and wading in the pool on a hot day surrounded by flowers. 

Beyond the pool were the beautiful hedges which make you feel as if you have been transported to an English garden. You are lead into individual little secret gardens as you walk through different arch ways decorated with stunning ivy draped around the bricks. As I walked under one archway I was pleasantly surprised by a little bird bath surrounded by tulips with camellias floating at the top of the still water. 

As you move along you are lead to a sun dial by different pathways with little ponds adorned by weeping cherry blossom trees that hover above. 

I then wandered from the lovely sun dial to admire more of the weeping cherries and tulips surrounding me and found a nice place in the shade to reflect on what I had seen so far in gardens. 

I finally found a table in the shade to sketch and write in my journal. As I sat there I felt as if I was in a secret garden of tranquility.  I am in a place that brings one back in time. I imagine that I am in a period piece movie. There are sounds of trickling water and birds chirping all around me. The spring color palette of flowers and their scent are all around me. I sat back and took it all in. 

Moving on from my quiet spot of inspiration I found more beautiful spring flowers. Wisteria crept along the brick walls buzzing with bees and peonies were guarded by the magnificent wrought iron gates with intricate design above the archway.  

After entering through the wrought iron gate I headed over to check out the lovely gift shop. There were beautiful fresh flowers displayed throughout the shop. Many of my favorite things were featured in this shop. Blue and white Japanese pottery, French inspired décor, lovely botanical prints and floral stationery. My kind of shoppers paradise!

After the gift shop I headed to the main house. This Georgian English country house has such regal stature. I only explored the outside of this grand house since I have been inside before. I sat outside and admired all of it's beauty. 

Once I left the main house I decided to sit and relax on the outdoor patio of the Quails Nest Café, a beautiful conservatory-style cafe nestled in the woodland and native garden. I enjoyed a slice of the layered lemon cake.  When I took my first bite of the cake the lemon flavor just melted in my mouth. Many people around me were also enjoying afternoon tea for two with lovely China tea cups and saucers. This reminded of the first party invitation that I sold in my Etsy shop "Tea Time Shower Invitation." I think it would be fun to add a "Mad Hatter Tea Party" theme. These gardens reminded me of being in the story of Alice and Wonderland. This was a perfect way to end such a magnificent day at Filoli Gardens. 

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